What Next For AB Performance

What Next For AB Performance


News may have already filtered through from our social media channels, however if you haven't already heard that unfortunately due to the COVID crisis shutting down all the racing series throughout the UK, AB Performance Ltd was forced to close their doors at the tail end of 2020.

What did this mean?

AB Performance was at the core of the BEC (Bike Engine Car) world and a huge resource for many as their go to source for parts and information about their bike engine installation into their cars.  With AB now closed, this left a gap in the community for a source of parts and repairs for a one stop shop for bike engine cars.

What Now?

We are delighted to announce the we (MK Sportscars and Kit Car Direct) have now taken over the AB Performance brand.  This means that all bike engine parts and services once supplied by AB Performance, will now be offered by us. 

As of writing, we've taken over the facebook sites and the website is on it's way to us.

In the short term, you'll be able to buy parts from us that used to be manufactured by AB Performance through our kit car direct brand.  Moving forward and when things start to settle down, we'll setup the AB Performance website which is going to be the home of bike engine car parts.  Everything BEC will be on this site and nothing else.

The ""AB Performance"" facebook page is still active and managed by us.  The beedy eyed amongst us will notice we've changed the name from AB Performance Ltd to just AB Peformance. 

The ""AB Pefrormance Kit Stop"" page on facebook has also changed it's name to ""The Kit Stop"".  This is going to be a classifieds page.  If you have something kit car related and you want to sell it, why not advertise it up on there and we'll bring people to you.  This is a central hub for all kit car spares.

The Sabre and Arion projects previously manufactured by AB have not come with us, so we'll not be manufacturing any new cars, however if you have the Arion, we'll be working with the current manufacturers (Arion Scandinavia) to provide a UK base with spare parts for this vehicle in the coming months.

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